Bickley MFC Boot Sale – May 17th Gates open 9.00am for 9.30am start.
Boot sale for all your modelling bits and pieces with a lunchtime BBQ for all attendees. Also, a perfect place to grab a bargain! Non club members £5 to sell. Toilets on site.
Camping must be pre-booked at [email protected]
Bickley MFC, Church Road, Sutton at Hone, Dartford, Kent DA4 9EX
Type ‘Bickley Model Flying Club’ into Google Maps for exact location.
Contact: James Gordon 07966 439835
Bickley Model Flying Club
c/o British Model Flying Association
Chacksfield House
31 St Andrews Road
Leicester LE2 8RE
All content copyright Bickley Model Flying Club 2020-2022