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Club Meeting at the field last night

Club Meeting at the field last night 1

Bit of a chilly wind, but well attended. John Veasey did sterling service on the BBQ and cooked just about everything that the had brought. 32 burgers and numerous sausages. all served up with buns, salad and cheese, together with a good selection of soft drinks. New member Paul Baggott did his induction with Steve […]

The Return Of The Giant Hogweed

The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 2

Not the Genesis track from the album Nursery Cryme (God that dates me) but a note from Bob Ryan I have noticed that there appears to be quite a lot of Hogweed growing at the field and particularly along the entrance lane and around the entrance gate. I have suffered personally from burns associated with […]

Found on the patch 17/5/16

Found on the patch 17/5/16 3

Only a small item, but probably an irritation if you’ve lost it. Hub cap, off white, looks like Cub style. Contact the secretary if it yours and you want it back.