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AHA introduction from BMFA.

Please find attached the Association of Helicopter Aerosports’ (AHA’s) information leaflet.  As the BMFA’s rc helicopter Specialist Body we would appreciate it if you would pass on the attached leaflet to any of your club members who fly or who are interested in rc helicopters.  We are here for any BMFA member who flies rc helicopters and would like to encourage anyone who is interested to become an AHA member.  

In addition, if you are running any R/C helicopter events at your club, we would be happy to promote them on our website ( and Facebook page if you would like us to – just email us the details ([email protected]) and we’ll do the rest. Also, if you add your event to the BMFA Event Calendar at and select the Helicopter category it will appear in the list of helicopter events at

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

The AHA Committee

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