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February Club Night and EGM

41 members attended which was not a bad showing considering that it was half term and valentines night.

Before the main meeting and presentation from Manny Williamson who is Development Officer for the BMFA there was  a vote taken on a change to rule 48 which dictates that subs have to be paid by the 31st December each year to 30th November..

Every member had previously been contacted regarding the EGM and of the 41 members present, 39 voted for the change and 2 against.

From the 200 emails and letters which were sent out response was

45     Not attending without voting preference

1       Not attending voted NO

38     Not attending voted  YES

41     Attending

On this basis Bob Ryan declared the motion carried.

The rules have been amended and the revised version will be circulated shortly.

The presentation by Manny Williamson was both informative and entertaining. He went into some detail about what the BMFA insurance did and did not cover and this was interesting and helpful as he indicated facets and benefits that most people there had not been aware of. What did not come as much of a surprise was the statistic from claims that most crashes are caused by thumbs with the second most common cause defective batteries.

The second part of the presentation detailed the new National Flying Site which sounds quite exciting and should be up and running in a basic form very shortly.

At the end of the presentation Bob, on behalf of the club, presented Manny with a cheque made out to the BMFA to help with the onward costs of the National flying Site.

February Club Night and EGM 1

Bob got one of our youngest and most photogenic members to join the committee line up for the photo.