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Message from Alan Cooper about invaders

Today up the field at 14.30 we had a quad bike with 2 masked individuals on it trying to get onto our field. Myself and malcolm D were flying at the time of our first sighting of them. They could not get across our ditches. But they did get into the locked part off our road. Because by this time I had landed and was moving towards our car park they turned right towards our locked gate. They can get into our car park, our cars where open and stuff on the grass. It would be a good move to warn members not to leave cars open with stuff on the grass, they will return at some point. We also had 2 solo motorcycles tearing up the farmers field most of the time we were there. Pic shows there entry point. We should consider 2 posts with rusty razor wire strung between them to fill the gap. AlanMessage from Alan Cooper about invaders 1