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BMFA Acheivement Scheme-Silent Flight (Electric) A

BMFA Acheivement Scheme-Silent Flight (Electric) A 1


Congratulations to Bob Ryan, Dave Warren and Steve Brett who all passed their SFE(A) (electric glider) tests at the field yesterday. Some others took the test because they realised the opportunity, but unfortunately failed as they had not practised the flying sequence, read up the mandatory questions or studied the BMFA handbook recently.

The club will be holding future test days and will keep you posted as to when this is happening.
If you want to do any of the prescribed tests there are plenty of people in the club who can help just contact anyone on the committee.

The barbecue club evenings at the field start next month and those would be an ideal opportunity to take a test.

Details of the achievement scheme tests are available at BMFC achievements Scheme

The rape is flowering and we are surrounded by it this year so crashing off the patch is not an option.

The daisies are making a reappearance again so we are looking into getting the patch treated in the near future.