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Shelter Maintenance

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Message from our chairman Bob Ryan.

A very BIG thank you to all of those who turned out on Saturday to help us strip the shelter of the old and tatty plastic sheeting and replacing it with new. It is amazing how much brighter it now is inside with the new sheeting. Weather permitting it should last for another year or two.

The weather was kind for our work party for the shelter maintenance. About twenty people turned up to help, which was enough to get the bulk of the work done in a couple of hours. The contrast of the old to new sheeting is amazing, the old stuff having gone very yellow and opaque. Bobs years of covering experiance stood him in good stead when doing the fiddly bits of sheeting around the flag pole.

Alan was cutting the runways when we started work on the shelter, but he must have started at dawn, because he was finished well before the shelter work was completed and then pitched in to help with that.

So its all looking very smart at the field ready for what we hope will be a splendid summers flying.