There was a good attendance at last nights pay your subs night at Pedham place.
As of this morning 72 members have either not yet paid, or paid but not sent in their completed renewal form. Remember if we do not have a signed renewal form for you, you are not registered as having renewed, even if you have paid. Those who have paid but not submitted a completed form by the 30th will have their fee refunded and their place offered to someone on the waiting list
If you have yet to renew, you have just over two weeks to do so. If you do not intend to renew, please let us know and make arrangements for returning your keys.
This is the last reminder if you have not renewed by 30th November your place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list which as usual is bursting at the seams.
Bickley Model Flying Club
c/o British Model Flying Association
Chacksfield House
31 St Andrews Road
Leicester LE2 8RE
All content copyright Bickley Model Flying Club 2020-2022