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More congratulations and club night at the field

More congratulations and club night at the field 1

A well done for junior member George Napper for passing his fixed wing A test at the club meeting and barbecue at the field yesterday evening.

You will recall that this year we introduced a registration procedure for jet turbine models, whereby members who have a jet which they wish to fly at our field have to have the model scrutinised and certified as fit to fly. Michael Donnelly had his Havoc successfully checked over although he has said that he is unlikely to do so, as the size of the model means its a bit tight to land when the wind is across the patch.

If it looks big in the photo thats because it is.

More congratulations and club night at the field 2

There did not seem to be as many members in attendance as usual for a meeting at the field, but despite that, there seemed to be models in the air most of the time and the burger queue was quite long when I joined it. As usual thanks go out to John and Lynn Veasey for the hard work they put in to provide the eats and drinks.