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Outer gate fixed and floor of the shelter started

Outer gate fixed and floor of the shelter started 1

Very early last Saturday before the swap meet, Alan Cooper cut off the old outer gate hinges. (very neat job thanks Alan)

Yesterday a crack team from the committee, with the aid of a trolly jack supplied by Jon Young, lifted the gate (now unhindered by the old hinge lugs) to a height whereby it now shuts without fouling the lower ramp on the closure.

We did however forget to oil the hinges which are a bit stiff, so it would be good if someone gives them a squirt if they can remember to take some form of lubricant next time they visit the field.

The contractors who are to lay the floor in the shelter started yesterday too, so there will be no access to the shelter for about a week. When the flooring is laid, two coats of sealant will be applied and they will need a while to dry, so please do not walk on the new floor until advised that it is safe to do so.