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Splendid evening at the July club night and Bar-B-Q

The outside thermometer on my car was showing 31 Degrees when I drove to the field yesterday evening but when I arrived there was a light breeze which made things comfortable.

Car park looked like is does when we have one of our open events and there were lots of planes in the air well into dusk. Barry Pelham was seen flying in the semi dusk with his dark glasses on, luckily the model was well lit with LEDs.

John Veasey served up over 60 burgers and 20+ sausages, well done to him for working in that heat and braving the supermarket earlier in the day to pick supplies.

I think nearly all the club night dates the year have had to adjusted to avoid poor weather on the original date but the results have been very good indeed, fingers crossed for the 9th August.