So here we are at the last day of the World Champs, its been a long week with seven of them down the mine, its been around 11C down there so not cold but if you are not moving you can start to feel the chill.
Nothing to lose today so I was gifted some of the Holy Grail of rubber in a 1.18grm / metre size a little larger than had been using, I made 3 X half length motors and 3 X full length motors, initial test with the half length wound to 27 gram / cenimetre torque broke a motor on the wind so a secomd was used, this achieved a flight of 11:15 by far the best test flight this week, the decision was made to wind a full length motor to 28 gram / centimeter for round 5.
Round 5, I got away to an incredible climb to a measured max of 138 feet, measured with a golfing range finder, the model cruised and decended avoiding all wall contact with no steering for a time of 21:06, for me in my first comp in high ceilings an amazing achievement.
Round 6, (final round) used a fresh motor as the previous broke on the wind, this time to 29 gram / centimeter again a new persona best at a max height of 145 feet, at that point its onlt 30 feet below the catwalk. Again a safe decent initially but later drifted towards the wall, I attempted a steer but it got away, however a small stall due to air movement caused its direction to change in a favourable direction , the decent continued to a new PB time of 21:36.
So that was it a long weeks flying I learned a huge amount in the company of the best in the world, and an experience I would not wanted to miss for anything, below are the final results listing, I will post a final update with videos when I get back to the UK probably on Thursday.
1 Yuan Kang Lee USA
2 Brett Sangborn USA
3 Cornelliu Mangalea Rom
13 Hans Staartjes UK
15 Anthony Hebb UK
17 Terry Adams UK
Bickley Model Flying Club
c/o British Model Flying Association
Chacksfield House
31 St Andrews Road
Leicester LE2 8RE
All content copyright Bickley Model Flying Club 2020-2022