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Thank you from Manny Williamson of the BMFA

Following the talk by Manny Williamson at our club night in February when the club made a donation to support the new National Centre project, Manny has sent an official thank you letter.

Here is content:-


Mr R Ryan


Bickley Model Flying Club 27!h February 2017

Dear Robert

I hope you are well.

I am writing to formally thank the members of the Bickley Model Flying Club for the very generous donation to the BMFA National Centre project; it is very much appreciated and the donation of £1000 will certainly assist in further developing this exciting initiative.

At this time the project is moving forward in accordance with the timings outlined in the original project plan and the aim is for the site to open for business in the late spring/early summer.

All donations will be acknowledged at the centre once it is open, however at this stage it hasn’t been decided exactly how this will be done.

I look forward to sharing further progress with you as we move forward and hopefully seeing you at Buckminster Lodge in 2017.

Once again thank you for your interest and support.

With kind regards

Manny Williamson Development Officer